Leadership Academy 2019
Owing to the growing complexity and competitiveness in the development sector globally, today’s not- for-profit organizations are faced with high demand for innovative ideas and diverse operational challenges. In this context, IRM Global organized a Leadership Academy on Strategic Perspective for Chief Executive Officers and Senior Managers of not for profit organizations.
During this programme, IRM Global planned sessions on Leadership concepts by key resource persons from Scottish and English Universities followed by meetings with the following stakeholders:
- Glasgow City Council and City Chambers,
- Scottish government,
- University of West of Scotland,
- Pakistani Consulate Scotland,
- Business Community of Scotland.
In addition, participants also experienced the scenic beauty of Scotland through various detox exercises e.g. painting, cooking, hiking etc.
Also, sightseeing and cultural exchange visits to the Historical, Cultural and Scientific sites in Edinburgh and Glasgow were included in the visit among which were Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh Castle, Glasgow Science Centre, Emirates Sports Arena.
General Information:
Duration: It was seven day programme from 14th July 2019- 20th July 2019
Attendees: Chief Executive Officers and Senior Managers
Number of Participants: 18 Participants participated in this programme and enjoyed the serene beauty of Scotland.
Area: Glasgow, Edinburgh and Stirling (Scotland),
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